Crystal Resources

4 Tips to Make Your Virtual Meetings More Productive

Written by Crystal Resource | Dec 14, 2023 2:00:18 PM

The yawns. The wandering eyes. The discreet phone checks. Sound familiar?

We've all been trapped in those virtual meetings that feel like they’re a combination of inventory management and compliance training all in one. 🫠

But here’s the good news: when it's your turn to run the show, things can be different.

Adding a touch of personality data can differentiate yourself from other speakers and turn your meetings from a snooze-fest into a captivating, engaging experience.

Think of this— a virtual space where everyone’s dialed in, communicating effectively with others, and progressing the conversation. That's the power of our cutting-edge personality data platform. Pair these 4 tips with personality AI by your side, and meetings will fly by, action items will be completed, and nobody will fall asleep sitting up again!


1. Create an “Up-Front Contract.”

As the host of a virtual meeting, you're in the driver's seat, which means you have control over letting the meeting start awkwardly or let everyone know exactly what they’re in for.

That’s when an  “up-front contract” comes into play, a Sandler concept about aligning both behavior and expectations at the beginning of the meeting so everyone’s always on the same page.

Through an up-front contract, you’re establishing a few key things:

  • The purpose of the meeting
  • Your agenda and expectations
  • The attendees’ agenda and expectations
  • The outcome of the meeting
  • The meeting length

It’s a pretty straightforward concept, but we know you’ve been in at least one meeting in your lifetime when the host ignored one or all of these concepts, leaving all the attendees wondering what the meeting's true purpose was, what they were supposed to be discussing, or when it would ever end!

No up-front contract often times results in frustrated participants. Having an up-front contract offers clarity and focus for everyone. It’s as simple as that.


2. Know Your Participants' DISC Personalities.

Here’s where the real magic happens, because our second tip focuses on understanding the DISC personalities of your participants.

If you don't know your DISC personality, you can take our FREE DISC personality test.

With a tool like Crystal for Virtual Meetings, you can gain valuable insights into each attendee’s preferred communication style so you can quickly tailor your meeting approach to align seamlessly with the personalities of your attendees.

Chatting with the design and creative team at your company and seeing lots of I- and S-types in the mix? Carve some time throughout the meeting for questions, particularly about bigger concepts and the reliability and trustworthiness of an approach, since these personalities thrive on discussion and collaboration.

On a 1:1 sales call with a D (dominant) type? Stick to direct, straightforward information, as these personalities appreciate concise, clear-cut information that paints the picture of the bigger benefits, like the potential ROI of your product and how it can help them outperform their competitors.


3. Enhance How You Engage Different DISC Types.

The key to elevating engagement in virtual meetings lies in understanding how each personality type interacts.

D (dominant) and I (influential) types will probably have no problem voicing their thoughts and sharing what's on their mind.

However, S (steady) and C (conscientious) types may not share their positions so quickly and may need encouragement to share their thoughts. 

Remember: while you’re hosting this meeting, the ultimate goal is to create an environment where all personality types feel comfortable and motivated to contribute. While this can sometimes be tricky to target (imagine a 5-person meeting where you’re speaking to a D, I, S, and a C!), the sheer awareness that each participant prefers to communicate differently already brings you halfway there.


4. Know the Perfect Follow-Up.

The art of the follow-up might be just as important as the meeting itself, especially when participants take work offline after the meeting.

The good news? Now that you know your participants’ DISC personalities, you know exactly how to follow up with each of them effectively:

Dominant (D) types need clarity and efficiency in follow-up, appreciating brief, to-the-point communication. Focus on summarizing action items and setting clear deadlines so they don’t have to dig through fluff to figure out what to do.

Influential (I) types need an engaging and collaborative follow-up, as they thrive on interactive communication. Consider arranging a quick video call or a group chat to discuss follow-up tasks, keeping them motivated by making the follow-up process as sociable as possible.

Steady (S) types need detailed and consistent follow-up, as they value a thorough, step-by-step approach. Provide clear, detailed instructions and be ready to offer support or clarification.

Conscientious (C) types need detailed and structured follow-up,  as they are likely to have additional questions. Be sure to include any additional documentation promptly after your meeting so they have everything they need to start their work right away with no hiccups. More information is better than less.

Related: Write the perfect follow-up email using Crystal's Writing Assistant.


Host More Effective Meetings with Crystal by Your Side.

Effective meetings start with understanding each participant; that's where the Crystal for Virtual Meeting comes into play.

Designed to seamlessly integrate with Zoom and Google Meets, Crystal for Virtual Meeting displays a small card at the bottom right-hand corner of each participant’s screen, indicating their DISC personality type.

Hover over the card and you'll get three concise, practical tips tailored to that individual's communication style. This feature is invaluable for adapting your interaction approach in real time, ensuring you connect effectively with each participant.

Learn more about Crystal for Virtual Meetings and the Calendar integration to make your meetings more engaging for your attendees and simpler for you!