Crystal Resources

Premeeting Strategy for GTM Teams: Harnessing Personality Intelligence

Written by Crystal Resource | Jun 5, 2024 5:00:00 AM

The art of pre-meeting preparation can make or break a deal. 

As we continue on to Ingredient #3 of our series on mastering pre-meeting preparation, we’ll cover an essential aspect that’s often overlooked: personality intelligence.

Just as a standup comic adjusts their routine to each city, understanding the unique personality traits of your prospects can give you a significant advantage in building rapport, tailoring your approach, and closing the deal.

Let’s dive in.


What Is Personality Intelligence, and Why Should You Care?

Personality intelligence is the deep understanding of an individual’s unique traits, preferences, and communication styles. It goes beyond surface-level information, such as job titles and company profiles, to uncover the intricate nuances that make each person tick. 

In the context of business interactions, personality intelligence is a powerful tool that can help you navigate the complexities of human behavior and build stronger, more meaningful connections with your prospects and clients. Prospects and clients are individuals and each individual possesses their own distinct preferences for communication and behavior.

For example, someone who’s extroverted might require an approach that’s focused on listening and letting them feel heard. Someone who’s introverted might require an approach focused on showing the prospect that you understand their situation, problems, and perspective. Different people have different priorities, and personality intelligence takes that into account.

By gaining insights into their communication preferences, decision-making processes, expected behaviors, and emotional triggers, you can adapt your strategy to resonate with them on a much deeper, profound level. This not only helps you build trust and rapport but also positions you as a valuable partner who tailors to their specific needs and challenges.

Tailoring your language, tone, and delivery to match the preferences of your audience increases the likelihood of your message being well-received. Additionally, by anticipating potential objections or concerns based on personality types, you can proactively address them, demonstrating your expertise and commitment to finding solutions that work for them.


The Best Places to Find Personality Insights

While personality traits might seem elusive and difficult to identify, there are several tools available to classify your prospects by personality.

Crystal Knows

Crystal Knows is a powerful personality intelligence platform that provides comprehensive insights into an individual's personality, communication style, and work preferences. By leveraging AI and machine learning, Crystal Knows analyzes publicly available data to create detailed personality profiles, saving you time and effort in gathering this information manually.

Elevate Marketing Research, a forward-thinking company that helps businesses understand their consumers through data-driven primary research, has seen significant success using Crystal Knows. Founder Nicole Bergen actively sought tools to streamline her company’s operations and optimize time efficiency, and Crystal proved to be a game-changer.

By implementing Crystal’s personality insights into its outreach efforts, Elevate is able to better craft personalized pitches and foster stronger connections with clients and stakeholders. Bergen states: 

"With Crystal, we’ve significantly shortened the time we spend figuring out how to connect with a prospect. Crystal gives us so much information on each individual to store in our toolboxes—so we’re able to speak to each individual in a way that will resonate with them specifically."

Social Media Profiles

Social media platforms like LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), and Facebook can provide a wealth of information about an individual’s personality. Pay attention to the content they share, the language they use, and the way they interact with others. Are they more formal or casual in their communication style? Do they frequently share industry-related content or personal anecdotes? These insights can help you gauge their preferences and tailor your approach accordingly.

Behavioral Assessments

Behavioral assessments, such as the DISC assessment or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), can provide valuable insights into an individual’s personality traits, communication preferences, and decision-making styles. While these assessments require the individual’s participation, they can offer a more in-depth understanding of their personality and how to effectively engage with them.

Direct Interaction and Observation

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of direct interaction and observation. As you engage with prospects and clients, pay attention to their communication style, body language, and reactions. Do they prefer a more direct and to-the-point approach, or do they appreciate a more conversational and relationship-building style? Observing these nuances can help you refine your approach and build stronger connections over time.

Mastering Pre-Meeting Preparation with Personality Intelligence

Incorporating personality intelligence into your pre-meeting preparation can revolutionize the way you connect with prospects and clients. By understanding their unique traits, preferences, and communication styles, you can create a more personalized and engaging experience that sets you apart from the competition.

When preparing for a meeting, start by gathering key pieces of personality intelligence about each participant. This may include their communication preferences, decision-making style, and emotional triggers. By having this information at your fingertips, you can communicate with emotional intelligence, anticipate their needs, and tailor your approach accordingly.

Consider these tips for leveraging personality intelligence:

  • Adapt your communication style to match their preferences. If they tend to be more direct and task-oriented, focus on delivering concise, actionable information. If they value relationship-building and personal connection, take the time to establish rapport and find common ground.
  • Anticipate potential objections or concerns based on their personality type. If they are more analytical and detail-oriented, come prepared with data and evidence to support your claims. If they are more intuitive and value the big picture, focus on the overall vision and how your solution aligns with their goals.
  • Tailor your presentation style to their preferences. If they are more visual learners, incorporate engaging visuals and graphics into your materials. If they prefer a more hands-on approach, consider incorporating interactive elements or demonstrations.

By adapting your approach based on personality intelligence, you can create a more engaging and memorable experience that resonates with each individual participant.

Elevate Your Meetings With Personality Intelligence

Personality intelligence is a powerful tool for enhancing your pre-meeting preparation and creating more meaningful connections with prospects and clients. However, gathering this intelligence can be time-consuming and challenging, especially when dealing with multiple stakeholders and limited time.

That’s why Crystal’s cutting-edge platform leverages AI and machine learning to provide comprehensive personality profiles for individuals based on their online presence and communication style. By integrating Crystal Knows into your pre-meeting preparation, you can access valuable insights quickly and easily, saving you time and effort while still delivering a personalized experience.

From Nicole Bergen, founder of Elevate Marketing:

“With Crystal, we’ve significantly shortened the time we spend figuring out how to connect with a prospect. Crystal gives us so much information on each individual to store in our toolboxes—so we’re able to speak to each individual in a way that will resonate with them specifically.” 

If you're ready to take your pre-meeting preparation to the next level and harness the power of personality intelligence, we invite you to explore Crystal's platform and discover how it can transform your business relationships. Stay tuned for future blog posts on mastering pre-meeting research, and in the meantime, book a demo with Crystal to see the impact of personality insights firsthand.