Crystal Resources

Personalizing Your B2B Sales Pitch by Industry (With 6 Different Examples)

Written by Crystal Resource | Jan 11, 2023 2:00:00 PM

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” We’ve all heard this truism, but have you ever thought about how this relates to your B2B sales pitches?

Your sales pitch is your opening line with every potential customer, and you only get one chance to do it right. But with so many voices to compete with, it can be hard to cut through the noise — especially if you’re opting for a generic approach that saves you time upfront. The downside to this high-volume, low-touch strategy, however, is that buyers can tell when you haven’t done your research.

In fact:

If you’re not meeting quotas, the problem likely isn’t what you’re selling — it’s how you’re trying to sell it. By taking the time to research the company you’re pitching to and personalize your sales pitch to each individual buyer, you’re more likely to get engagement from the very first interaction — even the tiny act of personalizing email subject lines leads to a 22% increase in open rate

So, how can you begin to personalize your B2B sales pitches? It all starts with having a basic understanding of the industry you’re pitching to and the personality type of your individual buyer. In this article, we’ll break down ways to get granular with your B2B pitches, discuss how you can cater your pitches to specific personality types, and give you examples of excellent pitches from six different industries.

The Art of Crafting Your Perfect Pitch

There is no perfect formula for creating an ideal sales pitch because no two buyers are the same. What works for some industries may not work for others, and certain buyers may love what others dislike. In general, though, there are a few things you can do to make sure your pitch delivers your message effectively and leaves a lasting impression. 

More than 70% of potential buyers feel frustrated when their experience is impersonal, but what can you do to personalize it? Using specific language and messaging tactics to fit an individual’s personality can make a huge difference. Crystal uses a framework called DISC to classify personalities into a few categories that we refer to as D (dominant), I (imaginative), S (stabilizing), and C (conscientious). Below is a breakdown of common personality traits within each of the categories in DISC, and what kinds of language would likely resonate with each: 

Keep it Brief 

When it comes to B2B sales pitches, it’s better to keep them short and to the point. By keeping it concise, you are more likely to generate more interest from your buyer.

After all, your sales pitch is just that — a pitch. Your prospect won’t be interested in sifting through the entire history of your product or company. This is your chance to hook them, so you can sell them on your offerings later. Further, brief sales pitches help you disqualify people who aren't interested in your offer — so you can reach those who are interested even faster.

Identify Your Value

While you have your prospect’s attention, you need to demonstrate what your product or service can do for them. Highlighting features that would benefit them directly, including testimonials from customers in similar industries, are great ways to communicate value to your buyer in a trustworthy, time-effective way. 

Get Personal

While it’s important to communicate the benefits of what you’re selling, it’s even more important to center your pitch around the customers themselves. Many sales executives make the common mistake of focusing their pitch around the product or service instead of the customer. 

This is where personalization comes into the picture. 

It’s essential that you cater your pitch to your individual buyer, so they know how your product or service can benefit them specifically — and why they should buy it from you, and not someone else. Basic research about the company/industry you’re pitching to is key — but going the extra mile to cater your pitch to the personality type of your buyer is a surefire way to stand out from the masses. 

 More than 70% of potential buyers feel frustrated when their experience is impersonal, but how can you personalize a pitch to someone you’ve never met?

Below is a breakdown of common personality traits within each of the categories in DISC, and what kinds of language would likely resonate with each: 

D Personality Types: Captains, Drivers, Initiators, Architects

  • Motivated by control over the future and personal authority
  • Tend to prefer instant, concrete results and having an advantage over competition
  • Communicate clearly and succinctly — use language that is concise and confident, and avoid small talk.

I Personality Types: Influencer, Motivator, Encourager, Harmonizer

  • Motivated by innovative, unique, creative ideas and excited by the future
  • Tend to prefer building new relationships and experiences
  • Communicate in a casual, expressive way — engage in some small talk before diving into your pitch.

S Personality Types: Counselor, Supporter, Planner, Stabilizer

  • Motivated by peace, safety, and others’ wellbeing
  • Tend to prefer security, reliability and trust
  • Communicate in a friendly and genuine way — avoid language that is overly pushy or salesy. 

C Personality Types: Editor, Analyst, Skeptic, Questioner

  • Motivated by logic, information, and problem-solving
  • Tend to prefer accurate information and quality solutions (quality over quantity)
  • Communicate in a business-like, fact-based way — use language that is quick and to the point, and avoid asking irrelevant personal questions.

Great B2B Sales Pitch Examples from Six Different Industries

Once you have an understanding of your buyer and their company, you’re ready to begin crafting your perfect B2B sales pitch. Below are excellent B2B sales pitch examples from leaders in six major industries to help you get a sense of where to begin.   

Example Pitch from Hubspot (SaaS)

"There’s a better way to grow. HubSpot offers marketing, sales, service, and operations software that helps your business grow without compromise. Because ‘good for the business’ should also mean ‘good for the customer.’”

This pitch is a perfect example of how to communicate value while also staying short and to the point. In three sentences, the buyer understands what Hubspot does, who they do it for, and how they do it. 

Pair this with language and phrases that stick out to the personality type of your buyer, and you’re sure to capture their attention — and hopefully, their sale. 

Example Pitch from Merck (Medical) 

“For 130 years, Merck (known as MSD outside of the U.S. and Canada) has been inventing for life, bringing forward medicines and vaccines for many of the world’s most challenging diseases in pursuit of our mission to save and improve lives.”

This pitch from Merck convinces hospitals or pharmacies to consider their solutions in only one sentence. How do they do it? 

Values and strong scientific foundations drive business decisions in the healthcare industry. In order to capitalize on that, Merck leads with their extensive history in the industry and ties their work into their mission — effectively resonating with their target audience in no time at all.

Example Pitch from Edward Jones (Financial Services) 

“Investing isn't just about creating wealth. It's about what money can help you do. Build a brighter future for yourself and your loved ones. Or design a better world for all of us. Our single focus is helping you achieve what's most important to you.”

This pitch from Edward Jones is a perfect example of how to put the buyer first in your pitch. While this is geared toward consumers rather than another business, it’s a great example of how you can write a pitch that resonates with your prospects individually, while still highlighting the value of your product or service. 

Example Pitch from CBRE (Real Estate) 

“We are the global leader in commercial real estate services and investments. With services, insights, and data that span every dimension of the industry, we create solutions for clients of every size, in every sector, and across every geography.”

CBRE does an excellent job summarizing the value of their company in just two sentences. CBRE immediately communicates its success in its industry and outlines the many ways its services could benefit any type of buyer. 

To take this pitch to the next level, CBRE could implement what they know about the individual prospect and tailor the pitch to them specifically.

Example Pitch from C.H. Robinson (Logistics)

“We can help you solve your biggest challenges. Our global reach, deep industry knowledge, innovative technology, and extensive transportation network have allowed us to bring the latest learning to bear on our customer’s unique challenges and desires. We leverage our scale to create innovative and tailored solutions that help our customers optimize their supply chains to stay ahead of their competition in a market that changes every single day.”

C.H. Robinson puts the buyer first in this effective B2B pitch. They not only clearly state what they do and how they do it, but they repeatedly bring the focus back to the ways that their services benefit the buyer — leaving a lasting impression on the prospect. 

Example Pitch from Randstad (Recruiting)

"Our business is supporting business productivity — from matching the right people with great jobs to custom project solutions and consulting. We use innovative technologies and a passion for people to provide you with the best experience possible.”

This is a great example of a pitch that could work for either B2B or B2C prospects. Whether the prospect is a job seeker or a business looking to hire, this pitch from Randstad, a staffing agency, would draw them in. From the first sentence, job seekers and businesses alike understand Randstad’s value proposition and are met with a friendly, helpful attitude toward staffing. 

Your Pitch Can Be Perfect — No Matter Your Industry   

The sales game can be a tricky one — especially when there are so many industries that are vying for the business of the same prospect — but by implementing these tactics, you’re sure to stand apart from the crowd. Moreover, crafting personal, brief, high-quality B2B sales pitches will help you secure new clients, attract investors, and persuade more people to do business with you.

If you’re interested in learning more about the difference personalized sales pitches can make for your team, schedule a demo with us today.

In the meantime, download our HOW TO OPTIMIZE YOUR PITCH PDF here, and practice your sales-pitch skills using our how-to guide and the examples listed above.