When people experience pain, stress, or dissatisfaction, it can usually be attributed to energy-draining activities. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities energize each personality type and which activities drain them.
INTPs are likely to be stressed when they spend a lot of time with others, especially large groups of strangers. They tend to feel more comfortable on their own or with a couple of people that they know well.
INTPs are not natural encouragers, so the process of needing to consistently affirm others can be tiring for them. However, with practice and understanding of their team members, INTPs can learn to be more comfortable showing gratitude and offering encouragement.
INTPs tend to feel more comfortable considering hypotheticals than focusing on experience. They enjoy the process of thinking and weighing different options or potential scenarios. Although focusing on what is concrete doesn’t tend to excite INTPs, they can learn to see the value in it and adapt if their job requires it.
Since INTPs thrive when they have the freedom to explore new opportunities, they tend to feel trapped or restricted by routine for the sake of routine. Though they can follow necessary or important plans, NTPs may test overly strict schedules in order to find room for flexibility.
As logical thinkers, explaining things emotionally doesn’t come naturally for INTPs. They may find themselves frustrated or tense when they need to connect emotionally with someone else. However, with practice and patience, INTPs can learn to feel more comfortable opening up to others.
When INTPs face stressful or draining tasks, they may shut down in other aspects of life. While we all have to face stress at different points in life, there are plenty of times where it can be avoided. In the case of an INTP, they should try to engage with things that keep them motivated and energized, like communicating logically and working alone. Avoiding tasks that place unnecessary strain on them, openly addressing stress, and doing what excites them will help prevent frustration and exhaustion for INTPs.