People with an ESFP personality type tend to be friendly, opportunistic, and supportive in their behavior. They usually go with the flow of things. They love parties and are often the center of attention.
What is an ESFJ Personality Type
(The Provider)?
People with the ESFJ personality type tend to be empathetic, warm-hearted, and supportive in their behavior. They’re often social butterflies, and their desire to connect with people makes them popular. Highly aware of the others’ needs, they may seek to help frequently and sincerely.
How can ESFP and ESFJ types communicate effectively with each other?
ESFP and ESFJ personalities both possess the Extroverted, Sensing, and Feeling traits, meaning they are present-focused, conscientious, and enjoy spending time with others. However, ESFPs are generally more adaptable, while ESFJs tend to be organized. ESFPs should set meetings to address important information with ESFJs, while ESFJs should listen closely and connect emotionally with ESFPs.
Resolving Conflict
How can ESFP and ESFJ types resolve conflict?
Since ESFPs and ESFJs are both Feeling personalities, they should address conflict by opening up emotionally and showing sensitivity to each other’s emotions. Though neither type enjoys facing conflict, it’s important to address issues in a timely manner. To avoid some of the stress, ESFPs should address problems directly, while ESFJs should be open-minded, considering ESFPs point-of-view, while calmly expressing their own.
Building Trust
How can ESFP and ESFJ types build trust?
ESFPs are more likely to trust ESFJs who are supportive and encouraging, while also giving ESFPs the freedom to pursue last-minute opportunities.
ESFJs may find it easier to trust ESFPs who recognize and appreciate ESFJs’ contributions to the community.
Both ESFPs and ESFJs should spend intentional time getting to know one another.
Both ESFPs and ESFJs bring energy, practical thinking, and empathy to a work environment. ESFPs also offer open-mindedness and flexibility to a workplace, while ESFJs offer motivation and organization. ESFPs can help ESFJs adjust to new situations, while ESFJs can help ESFPs set and accomplish personal goals.
Dealing with Change
How can ESFP and ESFJ types deal with change?
Due to their Perceiving trait, ESFPs tend to naturally accept new situations. ESFJs may be upset by change, as it interrupts their plans. ESFPs should help ESFJs process by encouraging them to follow a new routine or plan, which may provide them with a necessary sense of control.
Managing Stress
ESFP and ESFJ types need to seek to understand what brings stress to the other type and should try to avoid causing it when possible.
ESFP types are easily stressed by...
Pointless routines or tasks
Uneventful points in their social lives
Disapproval or rejection from others
Overly analytical or fact-based jobs
ESFJ types are easily stressed by...
Harsh criticism from others
Being forced to make quick decisions
Communication that lacks connection
Lack of quality time with friends and family
ESFPs should avoid being too last-minute around ESFJs by making plans in advance, so ESFJs can set expectations.
ESFJs should avoid pushing ESFPs to commit to a person or job that isn’t right for them.
Encouraging and Motivating
ESFP and ESFJ types can encourage and motivate each other in their personal and professional lives.
ESFP types are motivated by...
Building connections with others
Concerts, parties, and other large groups of people
Beautiful spaces and art pieces
Entertaining those around them
ESFJ types are motivated by...
Creating plans and schedules for other people
Following a set of rules and processes
Communicating casually and in a friendly tone
Considering multiple perspectives before making decisions
ESFPs can motivate ESFJs by sharing encouragements and staying relatively organized in their workspace.
ESFJs can motivate ESFPs by participating in a new, shared experience.
16-Personality Test
Complete the 16-Personality test below to find your 16-Personality type.