INFJ Personality Type

The Advisor Type

16 Personalities
Big Five
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What is the INFJ personality type (The Advisor)?
People with an INFJ personality type tend to be determined, reserved, and altruistic in their behavior. They are idealists and are passionate about making the world a better place. They enjoy close relationships with a few people, but usually prefer working alone.

INFJ Personality Traits

Introverted INFJs exhaust quickly around people and recharge by spending time by themselves.

They tend to overlook small details and instead focus on the entire perspective. They love to see how everything connects together.

Advisors prioritize their emotions. They tend to base decisions on what they feel is right rather than what might be logically sound, making them very empathetic.

They are also very structured and organized. INFJs like to plan ahead and follow processes and schedules.


In summary, INFJ personality types tend to...

  • Work hard to improve the lives of those around them.
  • Focus on the whole perspective, rather than the minor details.
  • Base decisions on emotions and intuition rather than logic.
  • Enjoy structured days that allow them to follow a schedule.
  • Commit themselves completely to a set of moral values.

INFJ Meaning

  • (I) INTROVERSION: Introverts tend to draw energy from spending time alone.
  • (N) INTUITION: Intuitive types tend to love to explore new ideas and think in terms of the big picture.
  • (F) FEELING: Feeling types usually prioritize emotion over logic, often choosing to follow their gut when making decisions.
  • (J) JUDGING: Judging types tend to be very structured and organized.

16-Personality is a personality framework that can help you understand other people and why they behave in certain ways.
Explore the 16 personality types here:

INFJ Slide Show

Click through the slides below to learn more about INFJs:

Or watch the video:

Related Personality Types

Below are the DISC and Enneagram types that are similar to 16-Personality Type INFJ. 

DISC Type Si or Sc

Enneagram Type 4 or 9

You can find your DISC, Enneagram, and 16-Personality types by taking Crystal's free personality test.

Are you an INFJ? Take the 16-Personality test to see

Complete the 16-Personality test below to find your 16-Personality type