What is an Enneagram type 5 wing 6(The Troubleshooter)?
People with an enneagram type five wing six personality usually identify the most with the type five, but also share traits with the six type. They tend to be practical, independent, and logical in their behavior. They are much more cooperative than other five types and have a passion for using their knowledge to solve real-world problems.
Enneagram 5w6 Personality Traits
Basic Fear
Five wing sixes fear being useless or incapable. They seek to improve the world around them in order to feel worthy.
Basic Desire
Their basic desire is to be competent and useful. They usually show this by picking up new skills and pieces of knowledge that can be of benefit.
Troubleshooters may withdraw from others to cope with stressful situations, which can tend to make them feel lonely.
In summary, Enneagram 5w6 personalities tend to...
Be hard-working and analytical problem-solvers
Withdraw from others when stressed
Prefer to spend time thinking alone
Fear being incapable or incompetent
Make practical and logical decisions
Enneagram 5w6 Strengths
Every personality archetype has strengths and blind spots, and these are often amplified in professional settings where we often encounter a diverse group of people with vastly different backgrounds and value systems.
Strengths that are typically associated with the Enneagram 5w6 personality include...
Being focused and well-organized
Passion for learning and growing
Solving difficult or complex problems
Remaining calm in times of crisis
Enneagram 5w6 Weaknesses
Weaknesses that are typically associated with the Enneagram 5w6 personality include...
Avoid emotional expressions and allow five wing sixes space to think and process.
Meeting with an Enneagram 5w6
Keep meetings short and sweet; focus on clearly addressing the purpose.
Emailing an Enneagram 5w6
Be direct when emailing, allowing five wing sixes to share insightful and new ideas.
Giving feedback to an Enneagram 5w6
Offer constructive criticism and honest feedback; give specific areas for improvement.
Resolving conflict with an Enneagram 5w6
Focus on logically expressing your perspective; work toward a mutual understanding, allowing them time to think privately, if needed.
Enneagram 5w6 Motivations
When people experience pain, stress, or dissatisfaction at work, it can usually be attributed to energy-draining activities. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities energize each personality type and which activities drain them.
Enneagram 5w6s tend to be motivated and energized by...
Solving or preventing problems
Spending time alone to gather their thoughts
Feeling like they’re contributing to society
Pursuing knowledge in the specific area that sparks their personal interest
Enneagram 5w6 Stress
Enneagram 5w6s tend to be stressed and drained by...
Spending too much time around others
Needing to be emotionally vulnerable
Feeling unwanted or rejected by others
Self-doubt and insecurity
Enneagram 5w6 Jobs
Five wing sixes are organized and intellectual. They are great problem-solvers who want to make the world a better place. They thrive in an environment that allows them to pursue knowledge and self-growth, while also encouraging them to be logical and analytical.
Common jobs for people with Enneagram 5w6 personality types
Computer Programmer
Enneagram 5w6 Slide Show
Click through the slides below to learn more about Enneagram 5w6s:
Or watch the video:
Enneagram Test
Complete the Enneagram test below to find your Enneagram type.
Rate each statement on this page from 1-5 based on how true you think it is about you.