Enneagram Type 2

The Caregiver

16 Personalities
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What is an Enneagram Type 2 (The Caregiver)?
People with an Enneagram Type 2 personality tend to be generous, altruistic, and empathetic in their behavior. They are hardworking and motivated people with a drive to connect with the world. They love attending to other people and feeling helpful.

Enneagram 2 Personality Traits

Basic Desire

The most basic desire of the Type 2 is to be fully loved and accepted. They often express this by being extremely attentive to the needs of those around them and helping other people in any way they can.

People who identify as a Type 2 may repress their own negative emotions or channel them into more positive or typically acceptable emotions, in order to be perceived as more desirable.

Basic Fear

The Type 2 has a basic fear of being unwanted or unloved by those around them. A Type 2 may believe, consciously or subconsciously, that love is only gained and earned by serving others.

In summary, Enneagram 2 personalities tend to...

  • Easily perceive and understand the needs of others
  • Seek acceptance and love from people
  • Attend to the needs of those around them
  • Repress their own negative emotions
  • Fear being unwanted or disliked

Enneagram 2 Strengths

Every personality archetype has strengths and blind spots, and these are often amplified in professional settings where we often encounter a diverse group of people with vastly different backgrounds and value systems.

Enneagram 2 Strengths

Strengths that are typically associated with the Enneagram 2 personality include...

  • Supporting and encouraging those around them
  • Ability to naturally recognize the needs of others
  • Warm, loving, positive attitude
  • Persistence and dedication to the tasks at hand
  • Drive to get to know other people

Enneagram 2 Weaknesses

Enneagram 2 Weaknessess

Weaknesses that are typically associated with the Enneagram 2 personality include...

  • Seeking and needing approval from others
  • Being perceived as overbearing at times
  • Difficulty recognizing and acknowledging their own needs
  • Disliking or being easily offended by criticism

Enneagram 2 Growth

Enneagram 2 Growth

Growth opportunities that are typically associated with the Enneagram 2 personality include...

  • Remembering to attend to their own personal needs
  • Learning to accept help from other people
  • Recognizing that their value lies beyond what they can offer others
  • Acknowledging and work through negative emotions, rather than avoiding them

How Enneagram 2 personalities like to work

Enneagram 2 Working

Communicating with an Enneagram 2

Be attentive and encouraging; help them to recognize their own value.
Enneagram 2 Meeting

Meeting with an Enneagram 2

Listen to and engage with them; allow them to help problem-solve any issues.
Enneagram 2 Emailing

Emailing an Enneagram 2

Create casual conversation while addressing the purpose of the email; include an appreciation of their hard work.
Enneagram 2 Feedback

Giving feedback to an Enneagram 2

Avoid being overly critical; instead, help recognize their contributions and share any concerns with sensitivity.
Enneagram 2 Conflict

Resolving conflict with an Enneagram 2

Address conflict clearly, sharing your own perspective and listening to theirs, while also helping them to feel loved and valued.

Enneagram 2 Motivations

When people experience pain, stress, or dissatisfaction, it can usually be attributed to energy-draining activities. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities energize each personality type and which activities drain them.

Enneagram 2 Motivations

Enneagram 2s tend to be motivated and energized by...

  • Feeling loved and welcome
  • Remembering to attend to their own needs
  • Being helpful and accomplishing goals
  • Meeting and befriending new people
  • Serving others who are in need

Enneagram 2 Stress

Enneagram 2 Stress

Enneagram 2s tend to be stressed and drained by...

  • Disregarding their own personal needs
  • Facing criticism or neglect from others
  • Feeling overwhelmed by everyone else’s needs
  • Rejection from job opportunities

Enneagram 2 Careers

Type Twos tend to thrive in environments that allow them to make new friends and help others. They enjoy building strong, working relationships and using their skills and abilities to serve those around them.

Enneagram 2 Energized at Work

Enneagram 2s feel energized at work when...

  • They are asked to help someone with a personal problem.
  • Their boss appreciates their hard work.
  • Their peers listen to and affirm them.
  • Their direct reports do something nice without being asked.
Enneagram 2 Drained at Work

Enneagram 2s feel drained at work when...

  • They are ignored or criticized frequently.
  • Their boss neglects to value their effort.
  • Their peers are cold and unwelcoming.
  • Their direct reports dislike them.

Type twos love being able to make a difference in other people’s lives. They can be selfless and hard-working, choosing to sacrifice their own time to help those around them.

Enneagram 2 Common Jobs

Common jobs for people with Enneagram 2 personality types

  • Non-Profit Leader
  • Counselor
  • Humanitarian
  • Religious Leader
  • Nurse
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Teacher

Enneagram 2 Relationships (Professional)

When type Twos work alongside others who are driven and focused, they make great supportive, attentive colleagues. If they work with another type Two, there needs to be a clear, recognized division of responsibilities, to avoid overwhelming them.

Enneagram 2 Work Well With

Enneagram 2s tend to work well with others who...

  • Recognize and appreciate their help
  • Take time to get to know them personally
  • Have their best interest at heart
Enneagram 2 Obstacles

Enneagram 2s may hit obstacles in professional relationships when they...

  • Act out after feeling underappreciated
  • Become too involved in colleagues’ personal lives
  • Neglect their own work after spending too much time focused on others

Enneagram 2 Relationships (Romantic)

Type Twos can be healthy, attentive, caring partners when with someone who reminds them to take time for themselves. When in a relationship with someone who is less focused on others, they should be careful to communicate their need for appreciation and acts of service.

Enneagram 2 Romantic Strengths

In a romantic relationship, Enneagram 2s bring strengths like...

  • Natural attention to and care for their partner
  • Communicating appreciation and affirmation
  • Being comfortable playing a supporting role
Enneagram 2 Reomantic Troubles

In romantic relationships, Enneagram 2s may have trouble...

  • Accepting constructive criticism from their partner
  • Recognizing and directly expressing their needs
  • Acknowledging boundaries and giving personal space

Famous Examples of Enneagram 2s

Enneagram 2 Example Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton


Enneagram 2 Example Susan Lucci
Susan Lucci


Enneagram 2 Example Mother Theresa
Mother Theresa


Enneagram 2 Example Debbie Reynolds
Debbie Reynolds


Enneagram 2 Example Doris Day
Doris Day


Enneagram 2 Example Kathie Lee Gifford
Kathie Lee Gifford


Enneagram 2 Example Lewis Carrol
Lewis Carrol


Enneagram 2 Example Nancy Reagan
Nancy Reagan


Enneagram 2 Example Mr. Rogers
Mr. Rogers


Enneagram 2 Example Stevie Wonder
Stevie Wonder



Enneagram 2 Wings

Click a link below to explore the wings for Enneagram 2




Enneagram 2 Slide Show

Click through the slides below to learn more about Enneagram 2s:

Or watch the video:

Related Personality Types

Below are the DISC and 16-Personality types that are similar to Enneagram Type 2. 

DISC Type Si, S, or Sc

16-Personality Type ENFJ, ESFJISFJ, or ISFP

You can find your DISC, Enneagram, and 16-Personality types by taking Crystal's free personality test.

Enneagram is a personality framework that can help you understand other people and why they behave in certain ways.
Explore Enneagram types here:

Are you an Enneagram 2? Take the Enneagram test to see

Complete the Enneagram test below to find your Enneagram number

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