Enneagram 1w2

The Activist

16 Personalities
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What is an Enneagram type 1 wing 2 (The Activist)?
An Enneagram type one with a two wing generally shows the characteristics of a type one, but also shares a few with the type two. People with a type one wing two personality tend to be principled and empathetic in their behavior. Consistent with type ones, they usually have a desire for justice and equality. However, those with a two wing are generally warmer and more interpersonally aware than other type ones.

Enneagram 1w2 Personality Traits

Basic Fear

People who are type one with a two wing generally have a basic fear of being immoral and making impure choices. They avoid this by making a conscious effort to make ethical choices.

Basic Desire

They also have a natural desire to be upstanding and humane. They try to fight for the rights of those less fortunate and love being hands-on in making a difference by volunteering in their community.

Activists tend to respond to negativity by redirecting their emotions in order to gain a sense of control. In type ones with two wings, this may lead to sudden outbursts or breaking points, as they work through their emotions more externally.

In summary, Enneagram 1w2 personalities tend to...

  • Be aware of the needs of others
  • Passionately follow what they believe to be right
  • Make principled, ethical choices
  • Advocate for social change and justice
  • Seek love, affection, and time around people

Enneagram 1w2 Strengths

Every personality archetype has strengths and blind spots, and these are often amplified in professional settings where we often encounter a diverse group of people with vastly different backgrounds and value systems.

Enneagram 1w2 Strengths

Strengths that are typically associated with the Enneagram 1w2 personality include...

  • Defending and standing up for those around them
  • Sensitivity to the wishes and needs of others
  • Ability to serve and improve their community
  • Sharing creative ideas and solutions to problems
  • Willingness to make personal sacrifices for other people

Enneagram 1w2 Weaknesses

Enneagram 1w2 Weaknessess

Weaknesses that are typically associated with the Enneagram 1w2 personality include...

  • Easily growing frustrated with other people
  • Tendency to be image-focused or obsessive
  • Possibility of becoming self-righteous and controlling
  • Criticizing themselves and others

How Enneagram 1w2 personalities like to work

Enneagram 1w2 Communicating

Communicating with an Enneagram 1w2

Take them seriously and listen; work to build personal and emotional connections with them.
Enneagram 1w2 Meeting

Meeting with an Enneagram 1w2

Focus on addressing and communicating the message clearly; encourage them to share their ideas.
Enneagram 1w2 Emailing

Emailing an Enneagram 1w2

Emailing should be limited; address specific tasks and share how they can be helpful and contribute.
Enneagram 1w2 Feedback

Giving feedback to an Enneagram 1w2

Express feedback constructively; be gentle and explain specific ways to improve.
Enneagram 1w2 Conflict

Resolving conflict with an Enneagram 1w2

Connect emotionally by sharing how you feel; be honest about your own contributions to the conflict, and allow them to share their perspective.

Enneagram 1w2 Motivations

When people experience pain, stress, or dissatisfaction at work, it can usually be attributed to energy-draining activities. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities energize each personality type and which activities drain them.

Enneagram 1w2 Motivations

Enneagram 1w2s tend to be motivated and energized by...

  • Fighting for change and reform
  • Volunteering to serve the less fortunate
  • Helping to solve difficult societal problems
  • Working closely with other people

Enneagram 1w2 Stress

Enneagram 1w2 Stress

Enneagram 1w2s tend to be stressed and drained by...

  • Being perceived negatively by others
  • Receiving criticism or objections from those they respect
  • Feeling as though they aren’t meeting people’s needs
  • Others not meeting or living up to their expectation

Enneagram 1w2 Jobs

Enneagram type ones with a two wing are compassionate and humanistic. They will pursue their passions endlessly and thrive in environments that allow them to work closely with others to make a positive impact on the world.

Enneagram 1w2 Common Jobs

Common jobs for people with Enneagram 1w2 personality types

  • Nurse
  • Judge
  • Politician
  • Doctor
  • Lawyer
  • Social Advocate
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Social Worker
  • Religious Worker

Enneagram 1w2 Slide Show

Click through the slides below to learn more about Enneagram 1w2s:

Or watch the video:

Enneagram Test

Complete the Enneagram test below to find your Enneagram type.