People with an Enneagram type One personality tend to be rational, principled, and judicial in their behavior. They usually have a desire for justice and equality. They are motivated by a strong sense of right and wrong.
How can Type Ones communicate effectively with each other?
Ones are fair and honest with one another generally preferring direct and clear communication.
They should address concerns in person, designating specific meeting times to discuss important information.
Resolving Conflict
How can Type Ones resolve conflict?
Ones should work through personal issues together. They should acknowledge their own roles in the disagreement while expressing their perspectives clearly. They should each be careful to avoid unnecessarily criticizing the other or using harsh language.
Building Trust
How can Type Ones build trust?
Ones are likely to trust other Ones who share the same beliefs and passions. To build a stronger relationship, Ones should get to know each other through intentional discussion and open communication.
Enneagram Ones tend to be logical and visionary, striving to make a major difference in their community. While they may bump heads at times, especially if advocating for different ideas, Ones are likely to respect one another and work well as a team. Ones can help each other make difficult decisions, find solutions to complicated problems, and accomplish personal goals.
Dealing with Change
How can Type Ones deal with change?
Ones may be excited by change, if it is moral, just, and benefits the community on a deeper level. However, they may be upset by unexpected or ineffectual change. If the situation is not beneficial, Ones will likely seek a new solution.
Managing Stress
Type Ones need to seek to understand what brings stress to the other type and should try to avoid causing it when possible.
Type Ones are easily stressed by...
Being perceived as rigid or inflexible
Receiving criticism from those they admire
Feeling as though they can’t make a difference
Overwhelming reminders of corruption in the world
Ones should avoid being overly critical of one another.
Encouraging and Motivating
Type Ones can encourage and motivate each other in their personal and professional lives.
Type Ones are motivated by...
Fighting for issues of social justice
Volunteering and helping those less fortunate
Finding the right solutions to problems
Pursuing their own personal growth
Ones can help motivate each other by working toward solutions together.
Enneagram Test
Complete the Enneagram test below to find your Enneagram type.