People with an Enneagram Type 1 personality tend to be rational, principled, and judicial in their behavior. They usually have a desire for justice and equality. They are motivated by a strong sense of right and wrong.
Enneagram 1 Personality Traits
Basic Desire
The Type 1 has a strong, innate desire for fairness, accuracy, and order. They tend be bold advocates for the rights of others and when healthy, may challenge the status quo to make push for reforms and equality.
Idealists tend to respond to negativity by redirecting their emotions in order to gain a sense of control. This may lead them to push themselves even deeper into their work.
Basic Fear
The Type 1 has a basic fear of being incorrect or out of control, especially when they perceive injustice or unfairness. They work to avoid making choices that are impurely motivated and tend to have a strong sense of objective right and wrong. Ones dislike those they believe are corrupt or ill-intentioned.
In summary, Enneagram 1 personalities tend to...
Be advocates for change and justice
Passionately pursue what they perceive to be right
Make rational, balanced choices
Seek love and approval from those around them
Chase knowledge and wisdom
Enneagram 1 Strengths
Every personality archetype has strengths and blind spots, and these are often amplified in professional settings where we often encounter a diverse group of people with vastly different backgrounds and value systems.
Strengths that are typically associated with the Enneagram 1 personality include...
Defending the rights of others
Awareness of and attention to details
Idealistic and optimistic worldview
Being deeply motivated by personal values
Ability to connect to and care for their community
Enneagram 1 Weaknesses
Weaknesses that are typically associated with the Enneagram 1 personality include...
Tendency to be perfectionistic
Difficulty accepting hard realities
Being highly critical of themselves and others
Possibility of becoming obsessive or self-righteous
Enneagram 1 Growth
Growth opportunities that are typically associated with the Enneagram 1 personality include...
Practicing breathing exercises
Recognizing the beauty in “flaws”
Being aware of the ways in which they unnecessarily judge themselves and others
Working to understand the grey areas and subjectivity in life
Take them seriously, understanding their motivation to do what is right.
Meeting with an Enneagram 1
Abide by the scheduled meeting time and focus on conveying the message clearly.
Emailing an Enneagram 1
Keep emails sparse; address specific assignments or concerns and encourage them to share their thoughts.
Giving feedback to an Enneagram 1
Be gentle and express feedback in a constructive way; give specific ways to improve.
Resolving conflict with an Enneagram 1
Admit your own mistakes, while also expressing how you feel; allow them an opportunity to reflect by themselves, if necessary.
Enneagram 1 Motivations
When people experience pain, stress, or dissatisfaction, it can usually be attributed to energy-draining activities. Therefore, it’s important to know what kinds of activities energize each personality type and which activities drain them.
Enneagram 1s tend to be motivated and energized by...
Fighting for issues of social justice
Volunteering and helping those less fortunate
Finding the right solutions to problems
Pursuing their own personal growth
Enneagram 1 Stress
Enneagram 1s tend to be stressed and drained by...
Being perceived as rigid or inflexible
Receiving criticism from those they admire
Feeling as though they can’t make a difference
Overwhelming reminders of corruption in the world
Enneagram 1 Careers
With a firm grasp of reality and pragmatic value system, type Ones tend to thrive when they can create order and organization, especially when they have the autonomy to change existing processes.
Enneagram 1s feel energized at work when...
They are asked to share how they would do something
Their boss values ethical action and fairness
Their peers appreciate and follow their advice
Their direct reports listen and do high-quality work
Enneagram 1s feel drained at work when...
They are surrounded by negativity or pessimism from coworkers
Their boss ignores their ideas
Their peers perceive them as overly critical or meticulous
Their direct reports do not follow specific instructions
Enneagram type ones are deeply self-controlled and conscientious. They will pursue their passions endlessly and work well when they are allowed to put their desires for moral justice into action.
Common jobs for people with Enneagram 1 personality types
When type Ones work alongside others with a more open, outgoing perspective, they can be a stabilizing force and help ground a team in reality. If they work with another type One, it is critical for them to be aligned in their values and goals, otherwise, they risk conflicts over process and control.
Enneagram 1s tend to work well with others who...
Appreciate their desire for improvement
Work with efficiency and accuracy
Demonstrate dedication to a broader mission
Enneagram 1s may hit obstacles in professional relationships when they...
Give feedback in an overly harsh or blunt way
Correct or overlook others’ suggestions too often
Put too much pressure on their coworkers to maintain their high standards
Enneagram 1 Relationships (Romantic)
Type Ones can be honest, motivated partners when with someone who is more open-minded and relaxed. When in a relationship with other Ones, they should share similar views to avoid regular conflict.
In a romantic relationship, Enneagram 1s bring strengths like...
Communicating openly and honestly
Consistently trying to do what is right for their partner
Regularly pursuing personal growth
In romantic relationships, Enneagram 1s may have trouble...
Resetting or adjusting their original expectations for the relationship
Accepting and looking past the flaws in their partner
Being forgiving when their partner makes a mistake