Personality Hub

Books to Read During Quarantine for Your Enneagram Type

Written by Megan Bandy | Sep 28, 2020 3:33:49 AM

Let’s be honest - most of us have already exhausted all of the fun ideas we had for keeping ourselves entertained at the start of the pandemic. After nearly six months of spending most of our time at home, we’re all looking for something else to do.

Reading books is a good option, but it can feel overwhelming trying to pick a book without really knowing that you’ll like it. To ease this burden, we’ve compiled a list of book suggestions based on Enneagram types, so you’ll be able to find the right book for you!

Quick Tip: Don’t know your Enneagram type? Take our free Enneagram assessment today by creating a Crystal account. Get started here.

Enneagram Type Ones

Idealistic, headstrong Enneagram Ones tend to focus on making a measurable difference in the world around them. Highly concerned with morality and ethics, Ones are likely to advocate openly for the injustice that others may be facing. They are likely to enjoy reading books that motivate them to accomplish change and inspire them to see the world in a new way.

Books that Ones may enjoy during Quarantine include...

The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America

The Color of Law eloquently discusses an especially prevalent social justice topic in the US right now. Enneagram Ones are likely to find this book compelling and may feel called to advocate for awareness about similar issues, especially after reading.


Written by fellow Enneagram One, Michelle Obama, Becoming is an uplifting, inspiring book that is bound to help motivate other Ones to change the world. The guided journal (sold separately) can also help make this an even more impactful read for Ones.

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks challenges the reader’s thinking while sharing the story of Henrietta Lacks, a woman whose cells helped revolutionize modern medicine - without her or her family’s knowledge or consent. The book explores ethics and consequence in an engaging way that’s sure to intrigue and infuriate Ones (in the best way).

Enneagram Type Twos

Generous, outgoing Enneagram Twos tend to enjoy building deeper connections with those around them. Though they may not be seeing as many people now as they were last year, Twos are likely finding unique ways to stay in touch with their social groups. This period of social distancing may be a good time for Twos to grow and reflect on their own.

Books that Twos may enjoy during Quarantine include...

Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking

Learning more about food, how it brings people together, and how it brings joy to us can help motivate Twos. Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat is full of cooking tips, science, and amazing recipes to make Enneagram Twos even better hosts than they already are.

Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No To Take Control of Your Life

As much as Twos may want to help and serve others, having healthy boundaries is an essential part of life. Without them, many Twos may find themselves burnt-out and resentful of others. Boundaries offers insight into establishing effective boundaries in relationships without being rude or selfish.

Burn After Writing

Unlike a typical journal, Burn After Writing is a guide to self-reflection that can help Enneagram Twos take a step back to connect with their inner thoughts and feelings.

Enneagram Type Threes

Self-motivated, confident Threes tend to thrive when they’re working toward a personal or professional goal. They are likely to look for the best way to take advantage of the extra time they have right now. Threes may enjoy books that provide tips and tricks that can help make them more productive and accomplished during this time.

Books that Threes may enjoy during Quarantine include...

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

Charismatic Enneagram Threes are likely to enjoy learning about the principles of influence and how to become more persuasive and compelling speakers.

The Ride of a Lifetime: Lessons Learned from 15 Years as CEO of the Walt Disney Company 

Learning from someone else who has had incredible success can inspire Enneagram Threes to go after their dreams. Who better than the former CEO of one of the biggest companies in the world? Full of great stories and sound advice, The Ride of a Lifetime is sure to leave Threes feeling motivated and energized.

Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

Atomic Habits is all about working to be more efficient and productive. Threes are likely to appreciate the proven, practical tips for building healthier, more successful habits that can help them accomplish their long-term goals.

Enneagram Type Fours

Introspective, creative Enneagram Fours tend to feel comfortable with the natural ebbs and flows of life. They are likely to reflect regularly and express themselves openly through their own art form. Fours may have differing perspectives on social distancing but are likely to find an outlet to help them process effectively. They tend to enjoy books that take them on an emotional journey and challenge their imagination.

Books that Fours may enjoy during Quarantine include...

Where the Crawdads Sing

This engaging, creative novel takes readers on an emotional journey - one which Fours are likely to enjoy. Where the Crawdads Sing is a story about love, loss, and mystery. Fours will likely find themselves engrossed in this beautifully-written book that doesn’t hold back.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

Big Magic is about making use of your natural creativity and imagination without being held back by self-doubt or the world around you. Enneagram Fours may feel curious about the author’s optimism and unique approach to creating. More openly joyful than the other suggestions, Big Magic will challenge how Fours view inspiration and expression.

Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood

A memoir told in the form of a Graphic Novel, Persepolis gives readers an understanding of the author’s experience growing up in Iran during some of the country’s most politically tense times.  Comfortably emotional and dark, at times, Marjane Satrapi’s style of writing is likely to resonate with Fours’ desire for emotional authenticity.

Enneagram Type Fives

Observant, curious Enneagram Fives tend to enjoy acquiring knowledge and skills to make them more competent people. They are likely to enjoy reading on a regular basis. Fives may appreciate books that challenge their thinking by utilizing a creative, often sci-fi-inspired approach to explore real-world topics or present information in a new and intellectually stimulating way.

Books that Fives may enjoy during Quarantine include...


Dune is a fantastic sci-fi story about a human civilization on a far-off desert planet that explores the many ways politics, emotion, and technology interact. This powerful and dense book helped set the tone for Science Fiction as a broader genre and is likely to be a great form of entertainment for intellectual Fives.

David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants

Malcolm Gladwell encourages readers to rethink history and our understanding of the world in David and Goliath. Enneagram Type Fives are likely to enjoy expanding their knowledge about the world and being challenged to think more deeply about what they think they know.

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind

More than just a recounting of human history, Sapiens explores what it means to be human and how that meaning has evolved alongside us over time. Enneagram Fives will likely enjoy this thought-provoking look through history - especially since it may reframe their understanding of society in general.

Enneagram Type Sixes

Responsible, consistent Enneagram Sixes tend to seek stability and security in the world around them. They may be more uncomfortable with the pandemic’s stress, but they can cope effectively by challenging their negative thoughts. They may appreciate books that offer a logical but optimistic view of the world and motivate them to focus on the good stuff in life.

Books that Sixes may enjoy during Quarantine include...

Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don't Know

Malcolm Gladwell’s rethinking of strangers can help challenge Enneagram Sixes to push past any doubt about the unknown. By using history to examine how we view other people, Talking to Strangers encourages readers to be more open-minded and understanding, which is likely to feel motivating for Sixes.

The Power of Positive Thinking

Enneagram Sixes may be more prone to worry than other types, but there are ways to help combat the stress. The Power of Positive Thinking shares a new approach to life that channels optimism and self-confidence into success. This book can help encourage Sixes to step outside of their comfort zone to see the world in a whole new light.

The Universe Has Your Back: Transform Fear to Faith

Similar to The Power of Positive Thinking, The Universe Has Your Back can help transform how Sixes approach life by encouraging trust. Enneagram Sixes’ sense of practicality and security can be most effective when learning to channel any fear into something better.

Enneagram Type Sevens

Energetic, social Enneagram Sevens tend to feel excited by beautiful places, inspiring messages, and engaging conversations. They are likely to feel a bit pent up during social distancing and may benefit from reading inventive books that can be started and stopped easily.

Books that Sevens may enjoy during Quarantine include…


From Humans of New York founder, Brandon Stanton, Humans features fascinating interviews from everyday people around the world. These inspiring stories and beautifully captured images are likely to engage and energize people-oriented Enneagram Sevens.

Architectural Digest at 100: A Century of Style

This piece from Architectural Digest is a coffee-table style book with many beautiful pictures of incredible spaces that are sure to move Enneagram Sevens. The plethora of creativity and style makes throughout Architectural Digest at 100 makes it a smooth, enjoyable read for Sevens.

Gmorning, Gnight!: Little Pep Talks for Me & You

A compilation of optimistic tweets from Lin Manuel Miranda, Gmorning, Gnight! is full of striking, thoughtful messages. This unique, uplifting book is a perfect pick-me-up for idealistic Sevens.

Enneagram Type Eights

Independent, bold Enneagram Eights tend to feel driven by a desire to control their own lives. They are naturally skilled debaters who can comfortably challenge others’ beliefs when needed. They may enjoy books that challenge their way of thinking and push them to be better on their own accord.

Books that Eights may enjoy during Quarantine include...

Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In

Getting to Yes is all about finding healthy and productive techniques for persuasion. While Enneagram Eights tend to be impactful arguers, this book can help offer tips for really getting through to others in a negotiation setting.

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships

Nonviolent Communication offers a unique approach to discussion, particularly conflict. This approach can help Eights take the time to work on things like understanding their own emotions, expressing themselves in a healthy, accurate way, and empathizing with how others are truly feeling.

Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do

Biased is likely to encourage Eights to think deeply about their potential personal prejudices and others’ innate judgments. For protective Eights, this message is likely to motivate them to identify, challenge, and expose bias in the world around them.

Enneagram Type Nines

Peace-seeking, relaxed Enneagram Nines tend to have a reasonably positive outlook on most situations. They may be more comfortable than most during social distancing since they tend to be fairly reserved and adaptable. Nines are likely to enjoy books that allow them to really get into the heart of the story.

Books that Nines may enjoy during Quarantine include...

The Great Gatsby

Told from the perspective of a likely 9, Nick Carraway, The Great Gatsby is an American classic that explores the impacts of wealth. While it may challenge their sense of idealism, Enneagram Nines are likely to relate to Nick, who tends to be a bit of a reserved observer throughout the story.

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

Quiet explores the importance of the introverts in a society that tends to praise extroverted qualities. Enneagram Nines tend to be more reserved people who can benefit from learning to see their introverted qualities positively.

The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living

Though there’s no direct English translation of the word, Hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) represents a feeling of peace, comfort, and coziness. The Little Book of Hygge discusses this feeling and how Danish people tend to find happiness in practicing it often. For Enneagram Nines, seeking out this feeling of blissful, almost nostalgic peace is likely a natural, everyday practice. This book offers tricks that can help Nines make the most of their comfort-seeking attitude.

Bonus Book

Did you know that we also have a book all about Personality? Predicting Personality teaches you all about the importance of understanding yourself and others. Check it out!